Patricia Carrillo Collard
Books of short stories

Un modo de estar sobre la tierra/
A Way of Being on Earth
Textofilia Ediciones/Editorial UDG, 2021
23 short stories with women protagonists who are on the verge of discovering themselves, or being discovered by us, in their most intimate truths.
Learn more about the book in this video (in Spanish).

Nadie que me comprenda/
There's No One to Understand Me
Ficticia Editorial/Instituto Sinaloense de Cultura, 2018
2015 Gilberto Owen National Literature Award
Don Guillermo, the main character, was born in Mazatlan in the early 1900s. Through her stories, the author explores his complex personality; how easily he embodied opposing characteristics, like generosity and selfishness, and delves into the things we love and hate of the people we love the most.
Read some sample pages here (in Spanish).
You can buy it in Spanish from Ficticia Editorial here.
Books for the young and not-so-young ones

El hechizo afortunado/The Fortunate Spell
Editorial Planeta, 2023
Since she was a child, Melisenda observed everything around her in wide-eyed wonder and asked many questions. She dreamed about learning the medicinal uses of plants, curing animals and discovering the secrets held by the stars. When she unexpectedly meets an old wizard she becomes, unknowingly, heiress to great wisdom. But the townspeople are wary, they do not see Melisenda’s behavior kindly. And her mother insists girls should spend their time doing other things. How will Melisenda discover her own path, if she is supposed to follow one others have traced for her?
Selected by Cuatrogatos Foundation in 2024 as one of their 100 Recommended Books.
Cover illustration by Amanda Mijangos.

Amigo virtual/A Virtual Friend
Editorial Planeta, 2021
It all started with a simple notification. Lucía had a new friend! Or something like that. Can you be friends with someone you've only met online? Lucía thinks you can. Her mother disagrees. Who's right? The web is full of surprises. It's up to you if they will be pleasant. The protagonist's fate is in your hands.
Illustrated by Augusto Mora.

Unos papás de verdad/True parents
Loqueleo, 2019
Unos papás de verdad familiarizes first readers with diversity within families through beautiful illustrations and scenes of family life, love and shared interests. It is a book to open conversations about the emotional bonds between parents and children, which are as strong and important as blood ties.
Illustrated by Greta Haaz Unger.

Un amigo virtual/A Virtual Friend
Jalisco State Council for Culture and Arts, 2019
CECA Jalisco Scholarship 2018
A virtual friend is an adventure where the reader is the main character. A girl receives a friendship request through social media. Depending on her decisions, the story will have seven different endings.
Illustrated by David Alvarado.

Encrucijada, 2a. edición/
Crossroads, 2nd edition
State of Mexico Publishing Fund (FOEM), 2018
Encrucijada is an adventure where you are the main character. As you turn the pages, you will decide how to react to the story. Will you take risks or will you control your curiosity and proceed with caution? Encrucijada allows you to live the consequences of your decisions, even the riskier ones, from the safety of the book you hold in your hands. Is there a chance this will help you think more clearly?
Illustrated by Rocío Solís Cuevas.

Aventuras de una nube/
A Cloud's Adventures
Letras para Volar, University of Guadalajara, 2017
Friends Collection
Have you ever heard about all the things that happen to clouds? In this story, you will hear about the adventures that a little cloud has with the sun, the sky, the rain and the stars.
Illustrated by David Alvarado.

Jalisco State Council for Culture and Arts, 2016
CECA Jalisco Scholarship 2015
Illustrated by Juan Salvador Hernández Díaz.
Short stories

A la sombra de la catedral/
In the Cathedral's Shadow
Luvina, University of Guadalajara Literary Magazine, spring 2018.
You can read it in Spanish here.

Viaje en motocicleta/
The Motorcycle Trip
Timonel, Literary Review of the Regional Fund for Northwestern Culture and Arts, February-March 2017.
You can read it in Spanish here on page 6 of the magazine.

Intercambio/The Exchange
Caleidoscopio XI, SOGEM Guadalajara and La Zonámbula publishing house, 2014.

Entre hombres y perfumes/Among Men and Perfumes
Multitasking maternal/Maternal Multitasking
Caleidoscopio X, SOGEM Guadalajara and La Zonámbula publishing house, 2013.

La vecina/The Neighbor
Caleidoscopio IX, SOGEM Guadalajara and La Zonámbula publishing house, 2012
Other publications

El país que hay/The Country We Have
In the anthology No son tres, Abelardo Ortiz Garza and Juan Manuel Carrillo (coords.). La Zonámbula, 2021.

¿Misógin@ yo? Reflexiones de una escritora/Misogynist - Who, Me? A Writer's Reflections
In the anthology México hoy, Mexico City, Guadalajara and San Miguel de Allende PEN Centers. La Zonámbula, 2018.
Misogynist - Who, Me? A Writer's Reflections
SolsticeLitBlog, may 2018.
Translated by Jesse Tomlinson.
You can read it in Solstice's blog here (in English).

Born in Mazatlan, in the northern state of Sinaloa, Patricia considers herself “mazatleca” even though she left town at 18. Learning has always been enjoyable to her. She has liked reading, numbers, languages and solving problems since she was a kid. She studied Economics at ITAM and a Master’s in Public Affairs at Princeton University.
Patricia worked in affordable housing development, advised nonprofit organizations and researched public policy issues from within government. In 2002 she helped start Alternativas y Capacidades, a capacity building organization in Mexico City, where she worked for years. Her focus was nonprofit management and governance, corporate philanthropy and social investment, and public policy advocacy. She currently participates in the Advisory Board of GENDES, a nonprofit organization working on masculinities, and in Aúna, a platform created in 2020 to promote the leadership of women in politics.
Writing became a new path in her professional life in 2011, when she started taking short-story writing workshops. Encrucijada (Crossroads), her first children´s book, was selected by the Jalisco State Council for Culture and Arts in 2015 and published in 2016. Nadie que me comprenda (There’s no one to understand me), her first book of short stories, won the Gilberto Owen National Literature Award in 2015 and was published in 2018. She studied creative writing at SOGEM Guadalajara and is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators since 2015.